Norra Berget
Norra Berget in Sundsvall, Sweden. Assembly of Steel and Prefab structures for residental building. General Contractor: BETONMAST M ÄLARDALEN AB Reference: Patrik Wettermark +46 734 12 94 21 Client: AS BMGS
Norra Berget in Sundsvall, Sweden. Assembly of Steel and Prefab structures for residental building. General Contractor: BETONMAST M ÄLARDALEN AB Reference: Patrik Wettermark +46 734 12 94 21 Client: AS BMGS
Papayan 2 in Stockholm, Sweden. Foundation work & Assembly of Prefab structures for residental building. General Contractor: Serneke Sverige AB. Reference: Peter Lundvall, +46 70 383 85 18
BandhagenC in Stockholm, Sweden. Assembly of Steel and Prefab structures for residental building. General Contractor: Byggnads AB Tornstaden Öst. Reference: Andreas Räinä, +46 709 29 47 43
Elinegård in Malmö, Sweden Assembly of Steel and Prefab structures for residental building General Contractor:. Skanska Sverige AB Reference: Andréa Schyllert, +46 706 731 534
Irstaskolan in Västerås, Sweden. Assembly of Steel and Prefab structures for school building General Contractor: Peab / Contiga AB. (References: Thomas Olsson, +46 725-33 76 30)
Garage Väst Rinkebyterassen in Stockholm (Assembly of prefab structures for car parking) General Contractor: Totalprojekt i Mälardalen AB (Reference: Reine Höglund, tel: 070 276 20 94
Trampolinen in Uppsala, Sweden (Assembly of prefab strucutes for 2 buildings and garage) General Contractor: Erlandsson Bygg AB (Reference: Mats Andersson, tel. 070-189 03 08)
Skiftnyckeln in Enköping. (Assembly of steel and prefab structures for school building) Client: Contiga AB (Reference: Carl Lagerstedt, tel.: 0705 636 554)
Bellona 5 in Solna, Sweden (Cast on site foundations for 12floor appartment building) General Contractor: SERNEKE Bygg AB (Reference: Peter Holm, tel. 070-379 03 39)
Elitseglaren 1, Elitseglaren 2 in Linkoping, Sweden General Contractor: NCC Sverige AB (Reference: Björn Boman, tel. 070-5577690)